No matter if you're an experienced cyclist or a novice, you'll likely have to face fears, worries, or anxieties of some kind at some point. For many people, these tend to just come with the territory. For others, there are specific issues that prevent the cyclist from having full confidence in the seat.
The prospect of commuting to work by bike sounds risky to a lot of people. Free travel, environmentally friendly, great exercise, short travel time — what's not to like? And then you remember the terror of being involved in a road cycling accident. The thought is enough to put many people off for life.
Are you looking to take to the streets, mountain trails, sandy beaches, or other paths? The bad news is that you won't find a bike that performs well in all situations. The good news? Depending on your needs, you can find the perfect mode of transportation.
Don’t let the cycling uncertainty overwhelm you. We'll answer all questions you have and provide beginner cycling tips to get you ready for your cycling journey.